Individual strength and conditioning programs designed for female soccer players.
Virtual Training
Individualized programming based on your specific goals
Programmed through Train Heroic App
100% on your own time and designed for optimal flexibility
4 week duration and programmed in advance
Chat feature to connect with your coach each session about exercises and proper form
Gym membership provided upon registration
*If you already belong to a gym please let us know upon inquiry *​
Hybrid Training
Individualized programming based on your specific goals
Programmed through Train Heroic App
Hybrid between virtual and in person training
4wks programmed in advance ​
1-2 in person sessions each week based on availability
Virtual days completed independently
Chat feature to connect with your coach each session about exercises and proper form
Gym membership provided upon registration
*If you already belong to a gym please let us know upon inquiry *​

Group Training
Group lift or circuit training sessions
Groups of 2-4 teammates
In person coaching sessions
Sessions are 4wks in duration 1-2 times per week based on availability
Gym membership provided upon registration
*If you already belong to a gym please let us know upon inquiry *​